Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's next? Thoughts on the future

Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Life has been wonderful here, as it has always been. I am thoroughly enjoying what I am doing In Yangon and the role that I play as "Miss Lynsey." It has been a very thought-provoking last few weeks though, as I am already trying to decide what step I should take next. I know that you may be thinking why is that I am thinking about what to do next, when I have still another year and a half to go, but decisions are already coming up fast and I am trying to decide how to best handle them! I have the opportunity to get a Masters in teaching here and it would allow me to stay an extra year in Myanmar, which I have no problem doing, but  I am not sure if I want to continue with teaching. I love my job, my kids and purpose right now in life, but have always wondered (for years now) if teaching was what I wanted to make as a career. I keep thinking about going back to school to pursue a counseling degree, where I can take it in a million directions and help people figure out what they want to do with their one wild and precious life. Perhaps I am being called to work at an NGO (non-profit) and learn some skills that will help better the organization that I decide to invest my time into. To think that I am always wondering what else is out there is exciting, but also exhausting, I wish that I just knew what to do and what path to go down, without having to think about the millions of alternatives that are in the way. 

What is going through my head:
-Do I stay in Myanmar an extra year and walk away with a masters degree in Education?
-Do I finish up my two years here and venture to another part of the world for another two years and "get my fill" of teaching?
-Do I take a gap year after Myanmar and work at a volunteer corp. such as LVC or Americorp and spend a year in service work?
-Do I go back to grad school right away and get a degree in counseling, where I can use it at a university or perhaps even take it back to the International Schools and mentor the kids going in to college?
-Do I try to find a job at a non-profit that involves education and get my foot in the door to where I can attempt to try the development line of work?

These are questions that are swimming in my head and constantly causing me to wonder what is that the I am crafted to do?

1 comment:

  1. Lots of options my dear! Lots to think & pray about! You are so gifted in a multitude of ways- perhaps this is why it's so difficult to settle on one thing! Love you lots "Miss Lyns"!
